Get Prepared for Federal Funding Season

Youth Collaboratory
federal funding 2019 united states

Federal funding is increasingly competitive, and funding for youth & family services is no exception. Youth Collaboratory has developed the following tools to ensure that you have access to the expert knowledge you need to secure funding for your organization. Space is very limited for each of the following three services – guarantee your spot today by registering at the links below:

3. Register For Our 2019 Federal Funding Webinars

federal funding 2019 government shutdown

Our federal funding webinar series will ensure that you have access to the expert knowledge you need to secure funding for your organization in a competitive funding environment.

Transitional Living Program: Developing a Competitive Application
May 30, 2019 - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET

Do you plan to write a Transitional Living Program/ Maternity Group Home (TLP/MGH) proposal this year? To be competitive in this round of funding, it is critical to submit a nearly perfect proposal. Learn about the recent budget impacts on TLP/MGH funding, the national analysis of the expected level of competition, and a section by section overview of the funding announcement, highlighting essential elements to include in your proposal. Whether you need a refresher or this is your first time applying, this webinar will give you the information you need to create a competitive grant application.


2. Enroll In Grant Writing Boot Camp

federal funding 2019 proposal reviews

Prepare for the grant writing season before it begins, with self-paced webinars and individualized feedback and consultation by experienced Federal reviewers.

Secure your spot in grant writing boot camp 

1. Schedule A Proposal Review

federal government funding

Our successful and highly sought after Proposal Review Service provides individualized feedback on your grant proposal before you submit.

Schedule your review today 

Focus areas