Listening Sessions: Sample Questions

A Black woman takes notes and listens to a young man speaking.
This learning module is part 4 of How to Host an Authentic Youth Listening Session

Sample Questions for Your Next Authentic Listening Session

The list of questions listed below is meant to serve as a guide to programs that are planning a Listening Session. Programs are encouraged to use questions from this list or create their own questions that best meet their needs.

Please be realistic about the time you have allotted for your Listening Session and how many questions you can include. This may mean finding a balance between the number of questions you want to ask, allowing sufficient time for answers, and probing deeper into the answers shared.

Additionally, consider getting youth input in the questions you choose/develop to ensure affirming language is being used and the questions you are asking are truly aimed at meeting the goals and objectives you identified.

Finally, plan for the accessibility needs of the participants, such as learning differences, visual or hearing impairments, and speech difficulties, and how to accommodate those needs.

  • What is one thing you (and/or your peers) need to be successful?
  • What do you think is the most important service being offered in our community?
  • What gaps do you see in the services being provided in the community?
  • Tell me about accessing services for mental health and physical health. Do you and your peers have the tools you need to navigate the Healthcare system?
  • What barriers do you face when it comes to accessing health services?
  • Who do you reach out to when you do not know how to access a specific system or certain services?
  • What is one program/service that could help improve your access to health services?
  • What type of programs/services have you accessed in the community (either through our program or another)? Why did you choose the service providers you chose?
  • What do you think the purpose of our program is?
  • What is one thing you wish service providers in our community knew/understood? How would services be improved if more people knew/understood that thing?
  • Have the services you have received helped you work toward any of your goals? Have the services helped you be healthier? What outcomes have the services you have received helped you achieve?
  • Do you think you have been an active partner in the services you have received? How would these services change if you were an active partner?
  • What are examples of services/partnerships you have seen that have empowered YYAs?
  • Are there youth voices that you see being left out of important conversations? How do we better engage them?
Focus areas