Welcome to the Collab!

Join us in improving the lives of young people, their families, and communities. 

A group of smiling Youth Collaboratory Staff and Members


[kuh+lab+ruh+tor+ee] » noun

: A center without walls where a group of people work together to generate solutions to complex problems. 
yellow paint brush stroke

Youth Collaboratory is a national network of organizations, youth, and professionals that harness the power of the youth services community to innovate, evaluate, and drive effective strategies that assure the safety and well-being of youth and young adults, unlocking their limitless potential.

See how we do it


It's in the name. Youth Collaboratory brings together people on the ground who are doing incredible work with higher level policy leaders and funding resources to build a bridge between the two.

- Youth Collaboratory Member


Our tools and resources — in the form of webinars, downloadable toolkits, and more — offer actionable insights for youth services providers. When you don’t have the capacity or know where to look, we’re here to share resources and approaches that are: 

✓ Strengths-based

✓ Grounded in research and promising practices


✓ Relevant

✓ Center youth well-being

✓ Connected to a vast peer network


Every time Youth Collaboratory has introduced a new tool to use that would be beneficial to us, we've used those tools. We’ve been working with them for years. If there’s something I don't understand, I know I can call people there and they'll be attentive and share ideas with me.

- Youth Collaboratory Member

A group of smiling Youth Collaboratory Staff

Many Minds. Stronger Outcomes.

We’ve been doing this work for more than 50 years and are proud of the ways we partner and build relationships with a vast network of people to bring about change. 

Last year we provided training to over 3,000 organizations and offered Technical Assistance to over 1,100 people

Our Proposal Review partners had an 89% success rate in receiving federal funding in the last cycle. 

We’ve supported Our Members by providing nearly $6 million in subcontracts in the last 5 years to support local practice innovation.

Get in Touch

"[Youth Collaboratory's] newsletters have been good at pointing out funding opportunities, new trends in the space, and trends about youth - it lets us stay on top of the latest developments." - Youth Collaboratory Subscriber

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