Webinar Recording Release: 2018 Federal Funding Webinar



Webinar Recording Release: 2018 Federal Funding Webinar

Webinar Description: The changing federal landscape has and will have an impact on federal funding for youth programs. This webinar reviewed the 2018 federal budget and examined the implications for both current and prospective grantees. Given the unprecedented environment, information on potential impacts can support organizations in effectively planning on funding moving forward. This webinar is designed to help you succeed in this highly competitive environment. It will help you to understand and creatively take advantage of the funding to be released during the 2018 grant season and look forward to future years. This webinar includes:

  • The impact of recent legislative and executive changes on funding for youth services
  • Examples of 2018 funding opportunities related to youth & family services
  • When federal agencies are expected to release funding announcements in 2018
  • Opportunity for Q & A"


2018 Federal Funding Webinar Recording 2018 Federal Funding Webinar Slides