Thoughts On Youth Services: Recap of #MANYRoadTrip & #OneOfMANY Posts

Aaron Hefelfinger
Sky at sunset

MANY is traveling all across the country, meeting with member organizations, talking about their programs, and identifying trends and issues that are happening in the youth services field across the country. #OneOfMANY posts capture the first-hand experience of an employee for an organization on specific youth services questions. #MANYRoadTrip posts chronicle our staff's journey across the country to meet with member organizations. Check out these thoughts on youth services from providers around the country as of 11/22/16: Previous #MANYRoadTrip & #OneOfMANY Posts

To follow the rest of MANY’s road trip around the country, follow the hashtag on Twitter #MANYRoadTrip here and follow the hashtag on Facebook #MANYRoadTrip here.