Request for Proposal: National Awareness Campaign
Request for Proposal: National Awareness Campaign
1. Summary
MANY and Wichita State University, Center for Combating Human Trafficking (CCHT) are interested in creating an awareness campaign designed to raise public awareness of commercial sexual exploitation of children and domestic minor sex trafficking.
2. Project Background
- MANY is a national organization that engages stakeholders across sectors to strengthen outcomes for youth and young adults. We work with thousands of youth service agencies across the country as we cultivate evidence, unearth and share innovation, improve outcomes, and increase cross-sector collaboration.
- The Wichita State Center for Combating Human Trafficking bridges the gap between direct practice, policy, and academic resources for the purposes of effectively preventing, assessing, identifying, evaluating, and intervening in cases of human trafficking. This is accomplished through the provision of direct service, education, training and awareness, consultation/technical assistance, research, and policy development.
3. Company Background
Project origin: In order raise awareness of young people of commercially sexually exploited (CSE) / domestic minor sexually trafficked (DMST) youth, MANY and CCHT recently initiated the 4youthbyyouth (4YBY) initiative. During the 4YBY initiative, youth created awareness and outreach materials that represented their unique voice in two categories:
- Prevention messaging (click here to see youth materials for prevention)
- Intervention messaging (click here to see youth materials for intervention)
From these efforts, we are proposing:
- To contract with a professional media and/or branding firm to create messaging, content, and other recommendations that utilize the products created by youth in raising awareness of youth and young adults of CSE/DST of youth (for more details, see “5. Project Scope and Delivery” section) by creating messages in each of these two categories (prevention and intervention). In addition, the selected company will incorporate input and feedback from MANY/CCHT’s Youth Catalyst Team (YCT). To learn more about YCT, click here.
4. Core Objectives
Our core objectives for this awareness campaign are to:
- Create effective prevention and intervention messages that are impactful, engaging, and shareable along with being true to the spirit of what has been created during the 4YBY contest. The messages from the youth will be used as a guide for your process.
- Reach the largest audience of youth and young adults as possible by utilizing the most effective platforms for those demographics.
- After completion of the campaign, we are looking for the contractor to complete an analytical report that explains what worked best, and why, in the form of actionable intelligence for our team (MANY and CCHT) and our grantees.
This analytical report will include a breakdown of:
- Which editorial and emotional angles were most effective in driving awareness of an issue
- What audience emotions surfaced during the course of the campaign
- Recommendations as to how to refine messaging for social platforms moving forward
5. Project Scope and Delivery
The scope of work for the contracted agency will include:
- Campaign development and project management
- Timeline development with benchmarks which include opportunities for input and feedback by MANY/CCHT and the YCT
- Content strategy
- Development of creative assets (based, at least in part, on 4YBY projects described above, and the input and feedback provided by the YCT)
- Earned media and paid social support, including placement of media buys
- Search engine optimization
- Mobile device optimization
- Regular reports during campaign to track progress and outcomes
- An analytical report completed post-campaign which breaks down:
- Which editorial and emotional angles were most effective in driving awareness to an issue?
- What audience emotions surfaced during the course of the campaign?
- Recommendations as to how to refine messaging for social platforms moving forward.
6. Timeline and Milestones
Responses to this RFP are due to MANY by 05/25/18. We will be making a decision on which contactor(s) or agency we will use on or before 06/15/18. The current deadline for all deliverables related to this project (including the analytical report) is 09/30/18.
7. Budget
- Budget: $45,000, inclusive of fees and expenses. This work is funded by OJJDP Grant #2014-MU-FX-K009 and funds spent will need to be in accordance with the federal special conditions of the grant.
8. Criteria for Selection
The criteria for selection is as follows:
- Partner agency’s creative vision for achieving the stated goals and objectives, including specific concepts, tactics, and production ideas
- How to utilize the prevention and intervention messages developed during the 4YBY process in the messaging materials the agency will develop
- Project timeline with major tasks and milestones
- Project budget with line items
- Partner agency’s approach to measurement
- Next steps for developing a plan within two weeks of signed contract
- Examples of similar projects
Please submit your proposal as a PDF via email to: Kristen Truffa,