Nonprofit Funding Opportunities - August 2016

Aaron Hefelfinger
open book with glasses

Here's a look back at some of the nonprofit funding opportunities available to nonprofits across our country for August of 2016.

The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program

The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) is an exciting new initiative designed to reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a YHDP Notice of Funding Availability and encourages all communities, through their local Continuum of Care, to apply to become one of the communities selected to participate. HUD will select up to ten communities, four of which will be rural communities. Deadline: November 30th, 2016 Read more »

New Grant Opportunity For Disconnected Youth Offers Freedom To Innovate

On August 15, federal agencies published a notice inviting applications for round 3 of Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth, a unique interagency initiative that offers local, state, and tribal governments the freedom to innovate to improve the outcomes of some of the nation’s neediest youth. Up to 10 pilots will be given the opportunity to obtain waivers of program requirements that impede effective service delivery, as well as the ability to blend together funds from multiple programs, eliminating the need to account for and report on them separately. Pilots also receive small start-up grants that can fund administrative expenses, data collection, evaluation and other activities that support effective implementation of the pilot. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Read more »

CNCS Invites 2017 AmeriCorps Applications For Funding

The Corporation for National and Community Service has released its Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for 2017 AmeriCorps State & National grant funding. The Notice page also includes a variety of resources available to assist you in preparing for this competition. Letters of intent are requested by December 2016. Read more »

RedRover Seeks Applications From Emergency Shelter Organizations To Help Victims Of Domestic Abuse & Their Pets

In partnership with Sheltering Animals and Families Together, RedRover is accepting applications from emergency shelter organizations to help victims of domestic violence and their animal companions stay together during times of crisis. RedRover Domestic Violence Safe Housing will award approximately ten to twelve grants of up to $6,000 each to eight emergency shelter organizations to support the creation of space on site to temporarily house the pets of victims of domestic violence. Deadline: October 15, 2016 Read more »

Assets For Independence Deadline Extended

The next application deadline in the Assets for Independence (AFI) Program Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) has been extended. To learn more about the FOA, view the Introduction to the 2015 AFI FOA webinar. Click here to view a summary of prior modifications to the FOA. New Deadline:October 31, 2016 Read more »

Best Buy Foundation - National RFP

The Best Buy Foundation strengthens communities through national and local grant programs with the goal of giving teens access to opportunities through technology that helps them excel in school and develop 21st century skills for their future careers. Deadline:October 1st, 2016 Read more »