Mourn, Celebrate, Connect – October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Kendan Elliott
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

This October, non-profits providing the critical safety net for survivors of domestic violence in communities throughout the country will work to increase awareness of this intimate and insidious form of violence that touches so many lives and yet, is often unseen. In Philadelphia, for example, Women Against Abuse will host the “IPledge Campaign” which calls on each of us, as individuals, to commit to never raising a hand in violence. Recognizing that each and every month there is a need to raise awareness, Domestic Violence Awareness Month was first observed in 1987 and grew from a grassroots intent to connect advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children. Each year, the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence supports the effort through event planning resources, media kits, training, and podcasts. As part of the NRCDV’s "Domestic Violence...Putting the Pieces Together" series, two brochures were written with gender-neutral language that may be distributed to anyone in the community. Both “Finding Safety and Support” and “Helping End Domestic Violence” brochures include the National Domestic Violence Hotline and National Dating Abuse Helpline contact information, as well as a blank information box for service providers to place their contact details. Finding Safety and Support is also available in a Spanish version. All brochures can be bulk-ordered at no cost.