Diving Beneath the Waves: Using the Waterline Method to Fix What's Not Working on Your Team

Youth Collaboratory

We are pleased to be able to offer you the recording of this presentation, hosted by Karen Kane, Principal of Still Point Leadership. Karen was one of our speakers at last year's Connection event. You can view her Connection presentation, as well as those of other speakers, on our YouTube channel. 

This webinar is for anyone who has ever sat at the table with a team and wondered what to do to get things back on track. The webinar offers information as well as skills and practical tools that will equip you to respond more effectively when you see your team stuck in the muck. Karen shows you how to use the Waterline Model, a simple model for understanding how teams get off track and how to bring them back. You’ll learn the principles for how to most effectively apply the Waterline Model, and acquire actual phrases and tools you can use to apply the model and help your team get back on track toward their goals. With these tools and skills, you will be more effective in intervening when your team gets stuck, regardless of whether you are the team leader or a team member. As a result, your team will be able to resolve common team challenges more quickly and stay focused on the most important work. Click here to view a recording of this webinar.

You may also be interested in another upcoming free webinar we are holding on May 20, 2015, entitled "Grill the Tech: How to Choose the Best Technology Options for Your Nonprofit Program." Please note that space is limited, so we encourage you to register early.
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