April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Youth Collaboratory

April marks National Child Abuse Prevention Month, which aims to raise public awareness of child abuse and neglect, recommit efforts and resources aimed at protecting children and strengthening families, and promote community involvement through activities that support the cause. The theme of this year's Child Abuse Prevention Month initiative continues to mirror the theme of the 20th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, "Building Community, Building Hope." By ensuring that parents, caregivers, and other supportive adults have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to care for children, we can help prevent child abuse and neglect by making meaningful connections with children, youth, and families in our communities. Here are some excellent resources on how you can help to care for children and prevent child abuse from the Administration for Children & Families:

For more information on National Child Abuse Prevention Month, or to view or order a copy of the 2016/2017 Prevention Resource Guide, visit the National Child Abuse Prevention Month website by clicking here.