7/22/16: This Week in Nonprofit News

Aaron Hefelfinger
aerial view of Cleveland

Beyond ‘Bathroom Laws’: A Primer on Transgender School Issues

In their latest blog post from the Education Policy Center at AIR, “Beyond ‘Bathroom Laws’: A Primer on Transgender School Issues,” AIR’s Christian Rummell sheds light on the research on transgender students and school culture amid a national policy debate. Read more »  

Only Two Weeks Left to Submit Comments on Proposed New ESSA Transportation Mandate

The public comment period for proposed regulations to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) closes on August 1, 2016. NAEHCY is particularly concerned about a proposed requirement that State Education Agencies (SEAs) ensure that school districts provide transportation to the school of origin for children in foster care, even if the LEA and child welfare agency do not agree on which agency will pay any additional costs of transportation. Read more »  

Four Innovative Methods to Recruit Community Samples of Young Adults

Many experts have called for more research using community samples of young adults, as opposed to college samples. But how can a researcher recruit community samples of young adults? Here are four innovative recruiting methods to get you started. Read more »  

Making School New

In and around Pittsburgh, a cross-sector network sponsors approaches to education that blend technology and peer-to- peer collaboration. Read more »  

With public help lagging, nonprofits seek new funding sources

This report on Connecticut nonprofit organizations released last week by Stamford-based Patriot Bank examines the changes and challenges facing nonprofit organizations in Connecticut. Nonprofits play a crucial role in their communities, delivering essential programs for their clients and creating a major source of employment, the study said. Read more »  

Reality Time for Human Service Organizations

The recent collapse of Hull House is a reminder that the tectonic shifts underway in the human service sector cannot be avoided. Read more »  

eBook: Practical Thoughts on Preparing for and Getting Through an RHY Monitoring Visit

Getting ready for an RHY Montoring visit? This informative eBook by Robert M. Robertson, Jr., M.S.W., L.S.W. will help you and your organization to feel confident and prepared. Read more »  

Food For Thought

All Staff And Volunteers Must Tell Your Story

Nonprofit staff and volunteers should all be champions of their organization's stories because stories are a great way to drive change, inspire others and encourage fundraising, according to this piece. Nonprofit leaders can encourage storytelling by talking with program staff regularly, developing a "story bank" and learning from donors about what inspires them. Read more »  

Data as a Means, Not an End: A Brief Case Study

How the education nonprofit City Year tackled “measurement drift” by reorienting its measurement activities around one simple premise: Data should support better decision-making. Read more » 

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